Affiliation with CEPRA


How to become affiliated with CEPRA

To become affiliated with CEPRA, any member of CEPRA’s central coordinating committee, the Board, or a head of any cluster may be contacted. The person seeking affiliation should provide a description of the project (a synopsis or a protocol) and to what extend the project seeks affiliation and involvement with CEPRA. The CEPRA contact person will then present the project at a CEPRA Board meeting, and the Board will decide if the project should be affiliated with CEPRA.


Affiliation should be reported in the main publications

When a CEPRA-affiliated project is published, it is expected that CEPRA will be mentioned in the main publication. The first and last author should add CEPRA as an affiliation (at least as a secondary/tertiary affiliation).



The project should appear on the CEPRA homepage with the name of the project and the person responsible for it.

The CEPRA board strongly encourages all affiliated projects to earmark a portion of their research budget to support the CEPRA organization when seeking larger funding, e.g., exceeding 1 million DKK from external benefactors.